
What's Wrong With Poetry?

You have a charming smile, for a piano...

"transposed upon a violin", argued Ciardi
in his Translator's Note to The Inferno

...Or, and here I double down,
a Cheshire chainsaw...

Could it be only a disguise?

After all, like elementary particles, you know HepCats
like us exist only as potential states

Van Gogh tried first to write
how he felt about his art
before the words coagulated
into mad greedy-colored brushstrokes
Even Vermeers
though there are theories
(and good ones have been engineered)
among graven images remain
something a Mystery

in truth
(rampant in unintended consequences)
a simple web of lies
most likely would have been sufficient:

ruby at her demiurgic
her oscillating hips
she hulas like a daddy long-legs
in anticipation of a fly.

And sometimes tempts my muse
...Or...toothy z-z-zipper...